Cyber Terrorism: How Real Is The Threat?

Despite what the media would have us believe, there is no exact definition or any concrete evidence that a global cyber-terrorism attack is a reality. Although the term “cyber terrorism” is becoming a popular term on the Internet, a solid definition has yet to be defined. The basic definition is the premeditative use of disruptive actions against networks and computers, …

Debate Over Root Causes Of Terrorism

Bruce Hoffman, in his book Inside Terrorism, devoted an entire chapter just to the definition of the word TERRORISM. In an attempt to formulate a workable definition he consulted everything. Part of the difficulty in defining the word, Hoffman pointed out is its inconsistent application, and opposing views. William Boykin, who led the hunt for Osama bin Laden said it …

What Can I Do About Terrorism?

The first thing a person should do about terrorism is to learn to respect it. Terrorism is real and it is very dangerous. When I say respect terrorism, I don’t mean that you have to educate yourself on every faction and extremist organization that exists today. What I’m saying is that you must learn to respect the threat and the …

How To Really Win The War On Terrorism

Tom Cruise cry’s in the movie ‘Lions for Lambs’, Do you want to win the war on terror… Yes or No. The movie is good but really fluff in regards to how to really win the war on terrorism. This article is about what major security holes that currently exist in America and finally what we need to do to …

Cyber Terrorism: A Big Threat

Cyberspace is an anonymous and secretive environment, therefore allowing cyber terrorists a breeding ground for clandestine operations. This fact makes cyber terrorism a very big threat to society at large. Even though the term, cyber terrorism, lacks one definitive explanation, it is a word that is popular on the Internet and throughout our culture. The main definition can be thought …

Travel Insurance – War and Terrorism Cover

For most people, the worst thing that can happen to them on holiday is a missed flight, a stolen wallet, getting sick or having a minor accident. If you’ve been smart and bought some cheap travel insurance, you’ll probably be covered for these commonplace holiday mishaps. But in some countries, travellers face the risk of much more serious disturbances to …

Trick Or Treating, A Growing Source Of Terrorism

Does the thought of Halloween make your skin crawl and your knees shake? This ghostly time of the year leaves many people looking over their shoulders and sleeping with the lights on out of fear a spirit might be near by. However, what if it is not the thought of beings from the underworld walking the earth that causes waves …

Terrorism Disaster Recovery For Fire Damage And Your Safety

Has fire damage recently happened to you? If so, then hopefully you had homeowners insurance. Homeowners insurance will save you in the long run when problems in your house occur. Many individuals are left homeless because they did not have homeowner’s insurance or appropriate coverage. The insurance you have will usually cover the damage to the house, which means you …

Software Solutions Fights Terrorism And Money Laundering

When it comes to the subject of software solutions, you may think you would be hard pushed to find a more boring subject. However, software solutions are a subject that affect each and every one of us. That’s because of the technological age that we live in. The world is accessible to all from the comfort of your own living …

Anonymous Drug Dealers, Drug Abuse and Terrorism

Drug dealers, anonymous terrorists and other anti-social individuals and groups have used drugs as the major method of creating disaster and chaos in society. The anonymous and hidden nature of drug pushing can only continue IF the purveyor (seller) remains secret or hidden from direct view. Drug Abuse and drug pushing has been directly connected to terrorism. The funding of …